Sky Ocean Rescue Ambassador Alex Scott has outlined ways in which she has shifted her usage of plastic and how sport may help.
“I feel the two main things I’ve shifted that are notable in my day-to-day life is carrying my water bottleeverywhere I go. It’s so easy, but it also enhances my lifestyle as I constantly wish to fill my water bottle.
“Secondly, acquiring a bag tote. I’m not using plastic bags. Even supermarkets, making that shift, getting people to consider the’why’ . It’s the habitual change too.”
“It’s important for adults, also. I believe it can be easier to alter younger mindsets, because it is something they are learning and it is exciting. You are often set in your ways, when you’re old. People must understand the importance.
“For instance, going to receive a coffee every day, how about I have my own coffee mug? That can be yours, also it could be personalised. Changes like that may have enormous consequences.
“The youngsters’ power to aid with this is indeed infectious. They needed to go home and teach their parents about what it means.”
“I think sport and soccer particularly can play a major part in helping lower plastic usage. I recall being at the Arsenal training ground and viewing all players have their own bottle. It may be personalised, and becomes a part of your kit, like a pair of boots.
“Players can purchase into it more, use their programs in the perfect way, and impact so a lot of men and women. They are so impressionable.”
More than eight million tonnes of plastic is thrown out and washed to sea.
It takes centuries to crack down. It’s consumed by marine animals. And it’s in our food chain. Your seafood supper might have a garnish. Scientists don’t understand what effects it has on our health.
Sky Ocean Rescue is doing something about it. To get involved, check out the campaign site here. You could watch our documentary.

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